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What We Do


Medical care can transform or save the lives of at-risk children. But too often, these vulnerable kids don’t receive the healthcare they need. 

With your help, PHF can give children access to doctors, surgeries, medications, and palliative care (“comfort care”). We also help families travel to medical appointments, and we provide physical, occupational, and speech therapy for kids with disabilities. We also train caregivers to safely feed a child with swallowing difficulties and transfer a child from a bed to a wheelchair.

More than 98% of orphans in China have disabilities, ranging from severe to minor. China has dramatically improved access to medical care for orphans, especially in cities. But some children need additional support or palliative care, and PHF provides access to these services.

Along with basic medical care, PHF also helps fund physical, occupational, and speech therapy for kids with special needs. These interventions make a huge impact in the lives of children, allowing them greater independence and a much higher quality of life. 

In Yucatán, Mexico, many families live in crowded conditions without plumbing or electricity. Kids in these areas are at greater risk of illness and infection. PHF is working to establish partnerships with local registered charities that can provide medical care for vulnerable children in Yucatán.


Philip Hayden Foundation helps meet children’s short-term needs for survival. We provide essentials like nutritious food, safe shelter, access to medical care, and diapers and infant formula.

If children are hungry or unsafe, they can’t build relationships, respond well to therapy, or retain what they learn in school. PHF partners with local charities and humanitarian organizations to ensure the children’s basic needs are met.

China recently reported nearly 190,000 orphans and over 250,000 unsupported children whose parents are unable to care for them. PHF supports local child care centers that provide live-saving food and medical care to these kids. 

In Yucatán, Mexico, many kids live in poverty at the edges of cities. PHF provides food and medical services to these families. We are exploring more opportunities to work with local registered charities to meet the basic needs of families in Yucatán.

Humanitarian aid helps save kids’ lives in the here and now, no matter where they live or what they face.


Education offers hope and a pathway out of poverty. Vulnerable children need extra support to succeed in school, especially kids with disabilities. Philip Hayden Foundation funds classrooms and teacher salaries so these children can receive an education that allows them to thrive.

China has made great strides toward meeting the educational needs of disabled children, but some rural areas still lag behind. Rural teachers often receive lower pay and have higher workloads, and some schools lack teachers with full training in special education. PHF funds schools and special-education classrooms in these high-need areas, particularly for young students.

In Mexico, many students in poor areas don’t receive adequate education to prepare them for the future. Recent statistics reported by Mexico showed that more than half of Mexican students completing lower secondary school had deficits in reading or math.

Many children in Yucatán are part of the a Mayan community. Most Mayan families speak their own language at home rather than Spanish, as they preserve their culture.  The language barrier creates even more learning challenges for the children.

PHF is exploring ways to work with local charities to provide support for teachers, classrooms, and students on the Yucatán peninsula.


Our goal at Philip Hayden Foundation is to help each child reach their full potential. We help at-risk young people develop work skills that not only provide income, but also give them confidence, purpose, and independence. 

In China, a person with disabilities must hold a disabled person’s ID and be registered to work. Vocational training ensures young adults with special challenges are ready for employment. 

In Mexico, young adults in impoverished areas also face many challenges in finding employment and living independently. PHF is exploring ways to work with local registered charities to help vulnerable young people in Yucatán grow into productive adult members of Mexican society. 

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